2024 holds such significant timeline unfoldings that whilst many are starting to see the natural divine flow of creational consciousness vs artificial make no mistake in clearly seeing that NOT all lightworkers, ascension guides & spiritual folk are actually all walking the same timelines.
For the highest grace of liberty, emancipation in divine will.
Many "channel" but do not know really who or what they channel, or claim to channel. Which are often masked ant-christ beings, frequencies that hold agendas that are not for the free agency of humanity or beloved Mother Earth.
The truth in the matter is that just because someone identifies as a being spiritual doesn't mean they carry a clear intention of how they serve or WHO they choose to serve, worship, or bid on behalf of. It is rarely ever shared about the shadow side of psychic - clairvoyant - remote viewing abilities that are very much alive in the conscious community.
What I continue to be shown is that those who project they are of guardian linages, primordial consciousness on behalf of the sacred feminine or masculine (Mother - Father Arc) that are operating under false intentions, living from shadow will continue to be blocked from accessing nor being able to anchor these energetic matrices of dark, malevolent & noxious weeds to current timeline unfolding.
Beloved Mother Earth & any other emanations of her 5D, & 7D & above incarnations do not breathe nor hold space for this energetic artificially created "nonsense" that these inorganic light workers, ascension guides, or teachers are spewing out into the Aethers as much as attempting to lock into Mother Earth at this time.
This year we will see many lightworkers, ascension guides & teachers experience falls from grace as they have been artificially propped up until now. Through many clock & dagger tactics - they have been able to seduce the wider community under false teachings for a long time. You will recognize these individuals by the vagueness of what they write, teach & speak on. They are not ROOTED in their bodies, they are not connected to pure primordial creational god world domain light as they prophesied, lastly, they actually are deeply entrenched in AI, deeply wounded & unwilling to SIT in their soul lessons.
They mask themselves by playing out victim paradoxical templates, constantly repeating the same cycles but calling "soul growth". You will identify these individuals by the fact they constantly seek follower approval of who they are, what they teach in the world & how many likes, shares, or validation society gives them on they are "spiritual enough".
It is so toxic, that these individuals will have soul gifts cut off, & or limited & divine intervention will step in to eradicate such toxic ego structures that have been left unchecked, but those who really are few in numbers representing the god seed, & god worlds are being called to intercept these energetics & nullify them by irradiating them entirely. These shadow light workers, & ascension guides are individuals who are not leading from divine will, they serve the self & only the self.
All of these digital pretty light codes that are generated from AI software are not Light Languaged filled or of the light, they are AI-infested with many infections, & parasitic energetic overlays. Those who create these are not as clean in energetics, intentions, or as guides as they project they are.
As for dragon teachings, anyone who solely focuses on only one element of consciousness deprives the other aspects of the multidimensional self. Dragon teachings are very infested with dichotomy right now, the higher realms that are of purified celestial, golden gate of creational consciousness will continue to intercept these teachings as they will not have anything nor anyone represent them that is not of pure heart, integrity & divine will.
Pure scared soul service.
As I shared with a soul sister recently, that is relevant to all of humanity right now - regardless of where you self identify you are in life, love, community, or connection & true soul service is that you must be willing to not have those in whom are in non-alignment impact or disrupt your alignment.
2024 is many things for humanity, one of which is zero tolerance is being held for those whose masks is light-filled & who actually are in bed in the dark.
Keep your eyes peeled as you observe those who fall from grace, truth always rises - it always has & forever will.
Those who actually carry the creational consciousness of anchoring god world domain Arc technology have an unparalleled unity to beloved Mother Earth, as she breathes - they breathe & vice versa. It is a divine alchemy in sacred flow,
Trust in that, the year 2024 has only just started to heat up.
As the seed of creation continues its cycles, those that are not of unity to the living liquid light realms of creational/creatrix consciousness will be removed - not by force but by forcing them to sit in everything they avoid.
This is the continuation of the dismantling of old as new continues to awaken. Doing your part is also acknowledging where you blindly follow others because they are spiritual, are they actually in integrity to your integrity?
Do they actually speak with clarity & conviction not just when people are watching, do they actually walk the talk they so freely project?
Truth always rises to the surface, that is a fact.
May you reacquaint yourself in 2024 with who or what you follow as your truth, by making sure its of primordial creational light, not some regurgitated trauma bonding looping full of infectious parasitic discord pretending to be light-filled.
Eyes wide open in 2024 - you cannot unsee what is seen, ever.