This transmission is one of the heart, to be felt in the fullness of the breath of the vessel you beautifully are in.
You are not anywhere other than where you allow yourself
to be. All the while, you have been circling around your "why" upon this earthly plane & you have yet to bridge the "why" to your "what."
This means one part of anything doesn't unify the whole. You are the bridge that allows each piece to come into view by allowing yourself to feel the cues rather than logically digest the cues.
What you think is possible is limited by the gated spectrum of what you allow.
What do you want to feel, what do you want to have spoken into your reality, your life, with whom & for WHAT purpose?
Until, beloved child of light, you allow yourself to gain clarity in your "WHAT," your "WHY" cannot fully be felt, expressed in all manners of speaking, or exemplified.
When you become transfixed on the "HOW" or the "WHEN," you underestimate the universe, the multiverse - you underestimate your union with God.
Instep, you are blocking, knowingly or unknowingly for that matter, in the issuance of what the divine, god, or your god self is bringing forward for you, with you in unison.
If you currently perceive you are not yet ready nor believe you are worthy due to having to do more healing, & transformation, then you have misunderstood the universe's cues to you, beloved child of light.
To move beyond beliefs, you must be willing to declare what it is you do know, & allow space for the universe to do its most alchemical impetuous magic. Beliefs change as you change - your willingness to change said beliefs reside in the space where faith beats from your unwavering heart in remembering you are of the light. You are of the flesh; you are of exalted reverence.
When you allow the how & the when to flow - it simply continues to shape.
The real invitation is getting clear on what you really do desire; what does this look like, sound like, feel like, you ask?
It means cease asking for half versions of what you desire; you cease accepting breadcrumbs of what you are worth. Cease drinking diluted versions of the elixir of life,
If you never ask yourself "WHAT" life can feel like for yourself, then you limit your intake of "WHAT" is available, not simply possible for you.
You know that feeling in your heart when you accept a maybe as it's ok. When a maybe is not really the benchmark of what you're being guided towards.
Beloved, not just sometimes, always - leaving the garden, unlatching the gate & walking into the fields of light. Is that if you limit the universe's ability to touch your heart, light your soul & flow throughout your body, then you will never know the temperature, the luminosity, the inner fire that burns so bright to every single WHAT is divinely yours.
Lightening often is described as never aligning the same space twice; those who know the alchemy of source light - know that lighting is a regular occurrence.
You see, beloved, your breath is the bridge between one world to the next. If you do not exhale, then you stifle the inhale of what God creates.
Beloved, allow the universe to touch you in deeper ways upon your heart, beyond the how & when. Get clear on "WHAT" you choose to experience in light & life; let the universe/ source/ God do what it has done for millions of years - create heartfelt space.