Beloved Sacred Sister

Beloved Sacred Sister

Beloved Sacred Sister,
The next time you meet with a fellow sacred sister who carries such a powerful magnetic light, a depth of radiance about her that is wise beyond words, dynamic full of insight, knowledge, revelations, love, creatrix synergy, a love of her femininity with a deep unwavering honoring of her intuitive ability with such clarity.
Rather than comparing yourself to her, lean into her wildness, observe her beauty & her humility in what she has been through to be this reflection to you.
When women celebrate women, competition is left at the door.
All the while, you can admire someone for whom they have become, who they reflect back to you in any now moment. Remember that the reflections you see have come with setbacks, heartbreak, ego deaths, trials & tribulations to rise from the rubble to hold such wisdom.
The sage wisdom they carry has a cost, & often comes with a high price tag. Not in the kind, you may think; they suffered, & had loss beyond the words they speak. How you see them has been a journey unto itself...
Beloved sacred sister, rather than ever wanting to be anything other than yourself when you witness women in her holy power - when you feel the urge to compare...
Ask yourself how you can increase my self-worth, & self-belief with self-love.
You see, beloved sister, your self-worth was the ceiling in which you saw yourself. Therefore, you will always stay within the heights of your self-worth.
You will never make more than what you believe you are worth,
You will never be in a union that is better than you think you deserve.
You will never nourish your body that you feel is not worthy.
Everything in life as a reflection will meet you at the level of your self-worth. So if you want to increase the quality of your life, attention needs to upshift in the quality of one's self-worth.
The only way to increase one's self-worth is to remove all the things that make you feel unworthy in all forms, emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, energetically & environmentally.
Removing obstacles is uncomfortable but not as painful as living in the shadow of someone else's light or life with lies, trying to be everything you are not.
Traversing ancestral, generational, & soul trauma is where it's at.
As you clear the density, new pathways form & YOU rise from the rubble of your sacred temple to witness your self-value, self-worth, & self-love increase.
As you rise, the things you once accepted or settled for are no longer acceptable - on any metric, frequency, or energy exchange.
Not in conversation,
Not in connections
Not in dating or romance
Not in lifestyle or environments
Not in emotional & mental wellbeing
Not in community & connectivity
No longer holding space for negativity, toxicity, or jealousy - certainly seeing no value compared to someone else's light or life. Because every time you shade yourself, you are diminishing your eternal soul essence, waiting for remembrance.
Beloved sacred sister,
Please take up space, expand your radiance & glorious light.
Speak your potent alchemy into the world; your fingerprint is uniquely you & that's magic.
God will always lovingly hold space as you bring yourself back together in reclaiming your sacred wildfires while bringing sacred sisters into your life to champion you as you rise.
We rise together, never separate.
To love you is to love me; to love me is to love you.
Sacred sister, rise with me.
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