Matriarchal wounds run deeper beyond the impact of the trauma received, it can be a compounding everglade that shows the swampiness of the unmet needs of the individual subjected to the trauma whilst often the individual who brought about the catalyst events does not own, nor wish to own the behavior of the cancerous actions, beliefs & entitlement they exude, yet deep forgiveness can be experienced over & over again to those who inflicted the sufferance by no longer holding sufferance in all levels of the multidimensional self.
Let me explain, this is not some dimensional mental body psychology, this is a multifaceted continual invitation to weave newfound awareness in new depths of liberty, & self-sovereignty as much as really changing the bloodlines in which you come from gender aside.
Birthing an inner landscape of witnessing the souls choosing to cleanse a bloodline that has held intergenerationally, generationally, ancestry, cosmically, galactically splintered distorted wounding that can radially heal lineages back to the seed of inception, creation to the Arc Mother herself.
No one man, woman, or child is held at the helm of suffering they no longer wish to carry. Within context, I am speaking of financial, psychological, emotional, physical & spiritual abuse - core basic human needs of protection, survival & love.
Children, no matter how young look to their guardians for safety, protection & guidance, when that is clearly not an exchange that can be given it can send an individual on a path of seeking resolution throughout life - to reconcile these aspects of distortion, corruption & dichotomy.
Until a differential approach is chosen. It is not until adulthood the self-actualization of how systemic trauma can be held in the body's facia, in the organs as much as the DNA asks for an entirely radical approach to healing.
That is reached by sitting in as much as sitting with the layering of the energetics needing to be dismantled a layer at a time. In my professional as much as personal experience, an individual will only meet these aspects of transformative change by the willingness to do so without bias, judgment, or conditioning of how the healing comes to pass.
What comes from these encounters is the return of a new, restoring a new Invictus light of soul-heart-body healing that emancipation from the toxic mother wound can & is achieved. Remember that you do not need to carry the burdens of others, nor the ineptness or unwillingness of a Mother / Matriarch of the family to hold you hostage to tyrannic energy overlays, templates, or controller mechanisms ever.
From the moment of inception through the gestational period inside the womb, the amniotic fluid holds cellular memory through telekinesis between the mother & child. The levels of genetic, energetic imprints are never one dimensional & healing them should always come with a purity of intention to inner-stand beyond understanding why these genetic mutations are held for healing.
Each individual will hold a varying degree of punitive entanglements to the Matriarchal wounding of the Mother wound, no one trauma, imprint, or mutation holds more significance than the next. The key here is to always come to curiously self-empower & educate the proximity of the soul learnings that come from clearing false feminine teachings, descending false feminine fire (Kundalini) amongst ceasing to hold any resonance of false parenthood.
When a child of Christ's light, (that's you) chooses to return to the cosmic waters, the womb of creation, with the primordial cleansing of creational consciousness the reunification to the Mother Arc is where deeper initations are felt, met & received in reunifying through utilitarian love fostering calmness, peace & transparency.
Whilst many will want to write about certain timelines focusing on healing the Mother wound, I wish to remind you that you will always meet, connect & receive the level of conscious, sub-conscious & unconscious multidimensional healing to any wound as far as you are willing to sit in it, with it to emancipate from it.
Healing & the witnessing of compassionate self-healing mastery is not just about this incarnation, it's about all the incarnations where you have held trauma to the Mother & Father gender aside. When you can learn to embrace this, rather than punish yourself for this - the gates of creation open wide for you to return home in all ways until such time you leave the earthly plane to reunify back to the seed of creation, the god seed, with your own god spark.
The more you can detach from the stories of why healing is needed & see it as a gateway of transformation the willingness to transform these imprints becomes a language of self-integrity, & self-expression - never anything less.