Reading collective energy does not equate to an individual's soul path and contracts, which many in the global spiritual movement often need clarification.
Have you ever found yourself seeking answers in collective or Ascension readings? It's time to trust your insights and experiences. You can make sense of your world and take control of your spiritual journey by listening to your soul's whispers rather than trying to outsource your experience to match everyone else's...
This is going to be a very unpopular opinion. Still, collective energy is only sometimes reflective of what is happening in your own natal chart, soul path, or oversoul lessons mapped out to heal, learn, or teach in this world within this lifetime.
While many spiritual teachers freely share what they see within their divination ability, you should always take it with a grain of salt. I am not saying what they share is incorrect, not at all.
A lot of misinformation is spoken into existence, though, regurgitated, and more folks try to make it their own by squeezing themselves into collective suffering, pain, and discord.
Learning to develop your own discernment and trust your own insights. Cease placing yourself into energies that may not correlate to your path here and now, and rely on your intuition to guide you.
Let's unpack this further as an example: Someone posts or shares recorded content saying this month is your breakthrough month, or breakthroughs are coming this month. While some individuals may experience this in an area of life, the percentage is smaller to the populous ratio than it reflects the entire global community- it can be dangerous commentary when individuals are trying to make sense of an area of life and then try to cram their current reality into collective energy reading. This often leads to individuals needing clarification when what they made their truth out of collective energy didn't play out within their individual reality is largely reflective. Please be careful of these over-generalized readings, as they can lead you astray from your unique path.
As someone who can & does read collective energy, I pay attention to patterns, a lot. I dont pay attention to what others are saying about collective energy as I choose to stay in my frequency & intuitive abilities to ensure I am embodied in my soul's communication.
By knowing who I am outside of collective energy, I can see, hear, know, taste, and smell my path clearly and feel myself within it clearly.
I have learned to do this primarily to honor the frequency and purity of my gifts and to avoid magnetically attracting collective trauma, wounding, or information that is not my truth.
Remember, we are always in a variation of the ascension cycle.
What happens to each of us is as unique as the individual soul. Your journey is yours alone, and that's what makes it so unique and powerful.
Spiritual communities have become too comfortable in the trauma bonding of ascension symptoms & ancient historical wounding. Yes, we are moving in densities, but how we awaken to this will reflect the individual.
Trauma bonding doesn't just happen in romantic connections or friendship groups; it happens in conscious communities of people who want to belong to a world that doesn't always make a lot of sense energetically.
So before you listen to that next ascension video or collective reading, first & foremost, learn to give space for your soul to rise to the occasion to show you what you are moving through so you dont lose sight of your own unique path trying to fit into the collective path.
Our paths are not a competition or trauma dump; they must be held in the light of consciousness, the soul set out for us to experience and honor our individuality.
If you need someone to tell you what's going on for you, you need to make more space to witness the soul by asking your oversoul so your path makes sense.
You dont need to look too far on any social media platform to see how many variations of "truth" in collective energy are happening. Getting collective sun star readings or ascension readings is comforting to some. Still, you dont need to gaslight the soul to human experience, denying what you are being shown to lead with, heal from, or facilitate with if you are always wanting to belong when you are being asked to standout & pave pathways so others can see the power of honoring your souls light no matter what the path entails, or where the path takes you.
Honestly, this past 8/8 gateway, I chose to refrain from buying into the noise of collective energy and the misinformation being spoken. I was guided to be in my own energy and galactic, cosmic, and universal wisdom relevant to my path.
Not all channeled information is equal; vibrationally or intentionally - not all information online is accurate, sacred, or valid. Through your own curiosity, be willing to step back and ask yourself where you desire so much to belong in the community you try to do collective readings. Ascension cycles your own problem to fix when, in fact, what you are being intentionally shown is where your energy ends and collective energy begins.
While we are interconnected—and yes, everything is energy—you wouldn't jump off a bridge if the person in front of you did it because it's happening in the collective. The same principles apply to logic, reason, and intuitive abilities. Start paying attention to what you subscribe to as much as where you place your energy in the field of here and now.
Witnessing someone's teachings is powerful; staying in your own energetics while doing it is more so.
I am choosing to deeply honor the ancient natives who ascended this sky and landed upon Beloved Mother Earth before colonization. Honoring the ancestors of all sacred waters of First Nations tribes here in Canada and holding a deep respect for the elements means witnessing them as they are, not making them into something they are not.
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