We can see what we choose to see; not all we desire is profound, purified clarity. We can also disregard truth in avoidance to own our role in the energetics of life itself. The more the outer Vision lacks passion, direction, or fortitude, is always the inner invitation to refine, reclaim, and revisit as many times as needed, the inner conviction, clarity with sight, the all-seeing heart, mind, and soul infusion that reflects integrity, purity, and divinity without the need to cut corners to experience true Vision.
We must never downplay our role in Vision; we may need to adjust the lens, purify, cleanse, and adjust the trajectory of the sight path along the horizon accordingly to match, elevate, and sync with what really is our truth, not the truth of others... time and time again.
We need to know our own Vision, the creational Vision with God somatically as much as energetically, cellularly, and microbiologically, with everything in elemental consciousness in between.
Until those inner light bulb moments that ooze from one's orbit reflect the purity, unity, and presence of an actual creator's Vision.
Vision may be shown to you through distortions so that you know truth vs. fallacy. Organic vs inorganic.
When someone is called a visionary or pioneer, even this title is often muddled in ways that only honor the human intellect aspect of existence, not holding vast space for the creational force of soul light that makes human expression so impactful in all densities, expressions, and realities.
To be a visionary and a pioneer is to be at the forefront of change, cultivating pathways for collective consciousness in the visible and unseen realms of creational light, not for public acclaim, but for the intensional purpose of leaving an intricate weaving of living legacy that reflects love, not war, fear, or displacement.
Despite popular pop culture belief that vision boards are the creational language of creating a vision, vision boards often cloud folks' view of perspective by layering expectations without the inner consistent recalibrations required to execute the much-needed shifts in inner standing, cellular, and heart coherence that exceed the understanding of mental body morphology.
Stillness and being in the space of stillness arise perspective shifts that urge you to dismantle over and over again the ways of the world that are not your living world but the artificially created constructs, institutional beliefs, and fables of old that society are not encouraged to challenge, change, or influence until we do.
Vision is less about solely one individual but a collective voice, the force of will, and the inherent desire to live according to a better standard than what is sold as the pipe dream made on a house of cards that holds more ignorance than freedom.
Let me explain,
When an individual prays for peace, God doesn't grant magical resolutions that remove conflict. God provides clear lessons to find inner peace with outer life exchanges that restore a sense of faith that sound can be found in others as within the self consistently if we are open to creating, living, and reciprocating in this way of consciousness.
When an individual prays for support, God doesn't immediately send a swarm of people to the rescue. God grants exchanges where you can learn to trust that humanity will hold you as you have yourself as you move through whatever arises for change, challenge, or clarity.
When an individual prays for connection and love, God doesn't magically deliver a "soulmate" to your doorstep by FedEx. Through community, connection, collaboration, career, and travels, God grants you ways to experience what it's like to love yourself internally through mirrored reflections of conscious light by how you seek external intimacy. As such, the more reflections you choose to truly see as they are, the more you love in ways that often you have never been modeled; this is the deliverance of God's love - to show you all enduring love is sacred that starts from within, the eternal souls flame alight.
When someone prays for patience in a situation, circumstance, or event in life, do you think God automatically makes them patient? Or does God provide lessons to witness the power of patience so that they can see firsthand the divine will vs. personal will at play and how many threads of conscious connectivity come into play to arrive at the highest timeline vs. immediate timeline.
When someone prays for courage in the face of adversity, does God make them fierce like a lion, or does God gift opportunities to be courageous in finding the inner power, strength, conviction, compassion, and humility with grace, Vision, and valor to live life boldly...
When someone prays for more community, family, or partnership to love and be loved, do you think God magically makes this automatically happen, or does God grace the ability to love each other as they are, not as they are not? To be open to love in ways that are unique as the individual but also removed from expectation, judgment, and conditioning
We can apply the wisdom of the ages through how prayer is often sought to be answered in coming to a place of Vision, where you are met by teachable wisdom in divine receivership through each prayer of meeting yourself where you are asking to be met by divine will.
When you can come to this resting place of seeing through the eyes of God, how you hold yourself and others shifts in clarity to know that Vision is one of the most underrated aspects of conscious creation.
Vision is not about the end result; it's what you become as you alter each aspect of sight you choose to see, believe, and receive as the Vision takes shape and is anchored from within.
Vision is the light within awaiting to be activated in intensionality, paving the way for you to know your inner Vision, inner soul light, and sight as the beacon that drives you forward even into the darkest terrain.
You can only meet this by being willing to let go and let God be the co-creational intention light you anchor your Vision with daily. Then, your reverence for sight will move you in unspeakable ways that, indeed, are of the ages.
Great Vision is not about others' approval; it is the integral capacity to protect, honor, and advocate for your Vision in the spaces, places, and environments you are currently in and the ones you are excavating to build anew within as much as without.
When you pray or meditate next, ask yourself what you are really asking of God, your own god self, god seed. As you are constantly supported by Mother and Father Creational light, it's not about what you ask to help you navigate this world. The quality of the question and how you wish to experience the prayer or meditation will gift clarity in Vision by knowing that God is never outside of you; you are God, and God is you.
Let that marinate as you review your Vision of life.
I love you as the dandelion's symbolic presence of perseverance, hope, and healing as your Vision takes on new sight. Don't give up because you don't "think" you are being heard by God for what you pray or meditate over. You are always in sync; it's how you choose to tune in that makes all the difference.
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