Daughter Codes Of Andromeda Galaxy

Daughter Codes Of Andromeda Galaxy

Daughter Codes Of Andromeda Galaxy
Solar Feminine Christ Consciousness UpGrades WIth Solar Christ Mary assisting Son Codes - Divine Masculine Maji Grail Timelines
In this current energetic window of the last several weeks, certain grids & grid workers are gaining access to very specific soul-incarnate contracts with deeper bi-purification in purging lower-density locks & reversal shields on false masculine templating & those templates not in organic alignment to the Son Codes of Andromeda.
I see these energetics clearing all patterning, matrices, timelines, inversions, binding agreements, oaths, vows & constructs to mind control, energy siphoning & pantheon inversions connected at a soul incarnate level through to collective consciousness.
The purpose of this, as I see is that the next phase of NEW timelines being anchored through the Marji Grail is to assist with the Father Son Codes Of Andromeda through the Aquafey (The divine Counterpart of the Aquelle (White Buffalo Calf Women / Najivo Natives Grail Bloodlines)
For the next evolutionary phase of the Sacred Solar Feminine to anchor completely new recorded timelines for the entirety of Earth through the Majri Grail codex, those that are the original keeper of the triple solar feminine are experiencing deep purging of all unhealed masculine templating that either run schisms in reversal patterning in the light body or light body architecture, through their work or ways in governing core safety, security & self-support.
Those individuals who have not had the masculine principle leadership in divine governance ever modeled to them are especially experiencing a deep purge, it is showing up in physical manifestation of illness - dis-ease (deeper emotional regulation & clearing of fear programming / matrices) with also being called to review soul purpose contracts in soul service to the collective.
So many contracts are closing out, held by individuals on behalf of the collective. These memories of old, on behalf of the collective, are distorted & not all accurate in cellular memory - which is why those who are having deeper, darker nights of the soul are being called to release all past memories without attachment as much as past timelines already lived until now, they are being asked to cease & not be brought forward.
The core memories of primordial divine light will remain, & those that are inorganic & form manipulation (AI infiltration) will dissolve according to how much sovereignty is reclaimed at the individual to the collective level.
These binding agreements are connected to demonic, Luciferian & dead light consciousness, to name a few.
This is a needed purging of deep ancestral timelines & initiation of removing timelocks on dragon nodes & dragon temples on the cosmic clock as much as the earth moving from old eons to new solar eons to assist the anchoring of the next phase in the Triple Solar Masculine Rod & Staff alignments.
Everything comes in waves, as one cycle is complete the next current begins. Everything is always cyclical in nature.
What this means on several layers is that those deepening their soul contracts at this time in sacred harmonic service to the Holy Mother & Father God as cosmic citizens choosing to be fully sovereign in their service, & soul embodiment are being given clear instruction sets on preparing their lives, light bodies & service at this time to close out not only personal but collective contracts that have been served. They are being called into higher callings & timeline work.
That has NOT yet been established on the Earth plane.
If this speaks to you, you will not need to go looking for this guidance as it will have already begun in recent weeks. Please do not confuse this message with the same general ascension of the individual to collective soul growth.
This is currently disruptive in ways as the Earth/ humanity has historically been a toxic tyrannic masculine structure put in place by beings that never intended to liberate the Earth with copious amounts of tricksters, enslavement & false hierarchy systems to keep humanity enslaved - tied to debt systems that keep humanity looping in false timelines.
As such, the Sacred Daughter Codes Of Andromeda Galaxy
Solar Feminine Christ Consciousness UpGrades With Solar Christ Mary are such an integral unfolding at this time in two-fold, in order to support the rise in the alignment of the timelines with Son Codes of Andromeda by assisting the Sacred Masculine with more heart coherence leadership, sovereign leadership by anchoring more of the diamond light tesseract codex of unity from the Krystalline core of Andromeda Galaxy to the Earth & with the support of the next universe by assisting in activating those in whom are aligned & ready (one of which cannot be forced, only through an embodiment of the Avatar self) the anchoring of the Aurora Kryst Self to access new gateways of consciousness streaming in through the Marji Grail 11D timekeepers.
Earlier tonight, while driving, I heard the message clearly that the rise of the sacred feminine is holding the light architecture for the solar masculine. As we anchor these instructional sets of Divine Twin union templating (meaning harmonic resonance in the temperance of the Rod & Staff codex in equilibrium within it can be anchored through the latticework of the new earth to be shared in unity).
This is a really beautiful unified timelines unfolding.
It doesn't come without growth pains, discomfort & a little discord in the mix. Making time for stillness is a must to really move through the matrices of old & setting clear intent of really choosing your soul's light, path & purpose in all ways.
No more second guessing, no more blocking your own path.
No more getting caught in the weeds, clearing the path for yourself by really taking the time to listen to your soul's calling, governing guidance & that of the new streaming in.
Committing to self will hold a new meaning if this message has landed with you, committing to being a cosmic citizen.
May this be of sacred service to you as it has been to me,
In sacred service eternally,
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