Energetic ripples
Not all timelines are clean, pure, or of unity consciousness.
Just because you cannot see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Not all timelines are without distortion, disruption, disease - dis/ease, manipulation, trickery, enslavement, or schisms that run hidden oppression agendas.
Not all timelines you have lived in sovereignty
Not all timelines you have been indeed lead by Primordial Arc Covernance light
Not all timelines you believed in GOD
Not all dragon consciousness is pure, & not all leylines operate in the liberty of humanity.
Not all timelines, you have divine faith, trust & inner belief
Not all timelines you came from pure intent
Past & parallel timelines you give your power away
Past & parallel timelines you disconnected from your own God Spark - God Self
Past & parallel timelines: you didn't always choose the highest timeline
Not all star gates you are plugged into are GOD SOVEREIGN FREE.
Not all beings you channel, worship or allow to use you as a vessel or vehicle of their own agendas are actually of primordial Kryst Consciousness, let alone of your highest good.
Not everything is DOOM & GLOOM.
Please let me know when it will all end, you ask? this heaviness you find yourself in or complaint over - your participation requires you to choose yourself to complete your role in what's in-organic & not of primordial consciousness.
In this precise eternal now, you always have the power of choice.
To cease creating from distorted timelines
Cease bleeding past trauma into new manifestations.
To cease creating your life from matrices that do not want you in your God Sovereign Freedom
One thing that is eternally clear is that the repetition of timelines keeps timelines in looping paradoxes that if you do not choose to question your life, examine your energy & truly dive deeper into your multidimensionality, you will never honestly know what it is, you are tethered to rather than reclaiming & return home within to your own God Self.
The inner infinite strength, the expansiveness of the willing heart
Dissolving the dichotomy
Breaking down, getting lost to find one's most authentic self
Rising up, showing up & being self-accountable
In ways you have not committed to yourself before, committing to your soul purpose fully - not as some side bitch when you feel like it.
Connection starts within, to be shared cohesively without outward attachment to outcomes.
Deep, pure, heart-felt, embodied connection.
Eyes to eyes
Hearts to hearts
Souls to souls
Honoring of all that is, as it is
Vulnerability, not just as some badge to share through trauma bonding - but speaking from your heart in all fragility, honoring your mana, prana, chi & absolute breath of primordial light.
The potency & alchemy when humans gather
Harmony, peace in the body - tranquility & peace of heart, mind & soul luminescence
Aliveness through creativity, creatrix connectivity, & creator activations
Medicine folk remember that who they are is the medicine.
Honoring the rise as much as the humility in the fall
Choosing to shine light into the deepest of crevices, knowing that jewels, wisdom & alchemy reside wherever you are willing to go
Self-nourishment to nourish the collective
The ripple of energy
Dancing in all hemispheres of light, the Masculine & Feminine sanctuary of your guiding soul light
In unity to self, backed by self-acceptance, self-ownership with self-love
Knowing that not all is what it seems, poise is found in patience; pausing is powerful.
Knowing where you are going is knowing how you choose yourself as you lead forward.
Divine inhalation & divine exhalation always make intentional space for humble understanding. You know a lot & you know very little about all that is.
Beloved, your entire relationship with accountability & responsibility is owning your own role in life. When you harness life from love & heart cohesiveness, rather than shame, fear or guilt the way you look to your own alchemy shifts.
You dont need to clean your space, but you do deserve to live in a calm, clean & energetically deeply held safe space to create from.
You don't need to work out, BUT you do deserve to have a healthy body, heart & mind in a spiritual embodiment.
It's all relative to how to look at what is, and learn to be encouraged by a slower pace.
Learning to stay anchored in your own truth, starts by learning what those truths actually are.
You do deserve the best, remember its you that unlocks more of you.
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