This past week I have been personally & collectively swimming while dismantling deep Krystic waters of Grief. Collectively as a global society, how we handle grief is still very much swept up under the "carpet" or given a blind eye as spoken down to as some forbidden taboo.
Why? You may ask yourself, is it this way, simply placed it has been used as a psychological warfare tool against humanity as part of mind control matrices for thousands of years; it does act very subtly in that unless you make yourself educated in such mind control - you do not learn the ways of liberation you can provide yourself & thus in-turn assist in the dismantlement of society enslavement matrices. Like all emotions, they can be gateway inhibitors (reversal consciousness inserted to manipulate by governing control or liberation points). If you are subjected long enough to dis-associate to negative emotions, the propensity of the build-up of said emotions create disabling dis-ease (emotional somatic dis-regulation in the bodies facia, holding onto trauma, wounding or subjected abuse that manifests as physical illness ranging from acute to terminal diagnosis).
This past week many global agendas have been operating, distracting the general populous, which surges up collective uncertainty, lack of trust in Authority & deep concern for the future of the planet as much as every sentient being who inhabits her. Some key themes that have been rising is the upper thoracic, middle dan-tien & central channel with lung/spleen/liver/ lymphatic system being activated).
You may have noticed your own self-disruption of your own personal energy in these energy centers, organs or overall well-being. The disruption to air quality has been creating an unsettling in the field where by collectively, particularly in locations where air quality has been hazardous for human inhalation - it stirs within the cellular memory of the physical facia past lives as much as current context incarnation of the ability to inhale, exhale with liberty, freedom of choice & safety (physical safety/wellbeing). Freedom to choose, personal boundaries being tested & the feeling of suffocation.
I now want to bring you to a timeline of correlation that is interconnected in ways that are of significance in relation to respiratory health, regenerative healing & utmost NEED for somatic release of your own personified & collective consumed energetic transference of collective grief that is unmet & trapped in the bodies anatomy, physiological wellbeing as much of how it permeates throughout the subtle energy centers, light bodies through the entirety of your morphogenetic field of light.
On a personal level, this past few days, I recognized within my own energetics elevated more than regularly the depth of collective grid work I had been doing & the depth of grief my body somatically was purging was significant as much as I have been moving through my own personal initiations recently which I will share separately in another time.
Which is why I share the high value of rest & digest. Integration of change, somatically, energetically across all levels of the being.
Rest & Digest is not some soft skill to learn about your own self-care awareness; it is an integral foundation in how you somatically integrate change in your life. If you do NOT make time for rest & digestion, then you will not HEAR, FEEL, KNOW, OR IDENTIFY where your energy ends & where others are bleeding into your energetics.
This brings me to my next point, often, a misconception unfolds in the global light-worker community on varying scales that performing grid work is not always a very somatic soul contract. When it is on every level.
It does require deep self-care pertaining to ensuring that if you are clear of the soul contracts you pertain to this, you "dont do" grid work. YOU ARE the celestial gateway, the node point in clearing out, dismantling & anchoring new light architecture. This is some of the most sacred work that is being done upon the planet right now, but please, when I share this knowledge that whilst you may open & close energy portals - come to educate yourself on what it is you are actually doing than labeling it as 'gridwork" without the awareness, understand & implications of the energetic transference occurring, in simple terms what's happening with the energy & where precisely the energy is transmitting from & going towards. Transfiguration at its highest!
While I have been in my own rest & digest space this past week, my guidance was to begin to hold a container beyond that I normally do not step into. Not for the lack of not knowing the energetics or the undercurrents of the matrices entangled to it, rather i honor the energy of I follow closely unwaveringly as I am guided with as needed. I have written & shared, of late, some of the gridwork I have been called to work on in certain locations globally. Recently another layer of the Jehovah Grids - AI Negative Alien Architecture Matrices has been heavily dismantled by many devoted star-seeds deeply working on the node points, activation of dragon consciousness with the inception /extraction points for further recalibrating the earth (Gaia's) planetary evolution as much as humanities collective rise in consciousness.
This dismantlement is directly & indirectly connected to ancient holocaust timelines from the cataclysm of Lumeria, bleed through timelines to Egypt, the Atlantis secondary repeat of another catastrophic cataclysm. When Holocaust energy is spoken about or documented, its timelines are intensionally misplaced to keep humanity in states of confusion & slumber of truth. By no means is that to take away from any of the horrendous suffering that occurred during human genocide in this lifetime upon the earth that still, even in 2023, occurs.
We must collectively shift the narrative of discussion points to unveil the truth, nothing less.
Yesterday prior to facilitating, one of my group mentorship containers connected to the daughter codes of Kryst/Sophia's bloodlines. Over the last decade or more, I have come to deeply know & hold faith that precisely what I move through is what I am to assist the collective in the passage. To quant myself with the container of transmission so I can hold a vast, deeply safe space for others to move into.
Last night's group transmission was such said space. The guardianship of Yesuha came in first, leading into the preparation of the group call advising me of the depths we would traverse on the sacred ground, which would also be an extraction transmission of consciousness from the ancient holocaust timeline wars that are directly connected to human trafficking.
Whilst I am honoring the container of my beloved group, some profound wisdom came through. I am guided to share from the secondary Arc Masculine presence held in the group transmission space. The guardianship of Michael of the Christos/Kryst/Sophia harmonics came in to assist with repatriating lost light souls entrapped from the holocaust timeline wars back to the Arc Mother/ Father. It was of no surprise how of late, I have been called to work deeper on extraction points in my own grid work & that of assisting clients do the same. The human trafficking from inside the inner chambers, corridors & human hybridization breeding programs was highlighted in last night's transmission.
I have shared this before in many of my posts that not all star-seed work is for the public domain; it doesn't mean it's not noteworthy, for it is heavily weighted sacred service. It is however done in such a manner that to ensure compilations of each mission are done until the elevation of the templating gets to still points where new divine ordnance comes through for the next phase of transfiguration on the whole - not simply the partial. It is a collective task.
The energy is human trafficking, sex trafficking & slavery on the earth's surface & below is very real. It is a topic that many do not want to discuss because it can be very deep, heavy & sensitive to hold. I first want to acknowledge the vast consecrated container of the Beloved Yesua & Michael for assisting in last night's transmission for the group. To speak about the importance of that this awareness of continuing to beam light on the heinous crimes against humanity across the thousands of years that have occurred can be cleared. Yet this does come with a level of diligence that is it a collective responsibility to resolve, not simply pretending to turn a blind eye.
How can you do your own part? If this message has strung a cord within you, it is important to look at your own soul contracts from the holocaust wartime lines of Lemuria, Egypt & Atlantis as a starting point. Many souls of this timeline carry deep ancestral soul grief of those trapped, left behind or the lost, fragmented aspects of soul light caught in the crossfire of these power-play wars. I am guided to facilitate an online group mentorship workshop soon on working through these energies for those in whom feel called to clear this for themselves but also the interconnectedness of the timelines immersions all the way still impacting current timeline pedophilia rings in mainstream society, political & religious doctrines.
When I relocated to the USA three weeks before Covid started in 2020 from Australia, one of the impactful events that landed me whilst living in San Francisco was the high level of dichotomy with sex trafficking, particularly in youth & that the amount of money the city was throwing at it was not scratching the surface. Let me be clear as what i am about to share is by no coincidence; smoke & mirrors make for wonderful illusion. We all have a role in highlighting the deception, manipulation, segregation, & the allowance of no LONGER turning a blind eye on any level of the being.
Being a light worker, star-seed, way-shower, ascension guide, mentor, & facilitator does require us to traverse the shadows. We must not shy away from our divine responsibility to keep dismantling the heinous, old & hidden agendas that have enslaved humanity for eons.
As the guardianship of Micheal shared in last night's transmission, we are in a spiritual revolution. We are emancipating the collective, yet most potently.
None of us are meant to journey through life alone!
Please take tremendous self-discernment as you connect with today's transmission.
If you would like to register your email for participation details for the group container workshop I will be facilitating, please jump over to my website:
www.chalicealchmey.com (scroll to the bottom of the page to register for updates)
One is humbled to be of sacred service across all levels of the multidimensional being; I am humbled to assist in the multidimensional extraction of consciousness - returning the balancing of the scales as GOD has always intended it to be.
I ask that you pray for those caught in the crossfire at this time, those entrapped in human trafficking & keep asking your own higher divination guidance as to how you can positively contribute to educating yourself, speaking up & out on such malevolent context that has NO PLACE being held in the shadows.
It is in the light of day where collectively, we can continue to dismantle the old by ways of lovingly divinely ushering in the new.
It is a collective mission, one in which I invite your participation.
Unified in love,
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