Lyran, Venusian, Galatic Federation, Pleiadian, Andromeda, Light Councils, High Orders of Light, Sirius, Atlanten, Lemuria, Egyptian Gods, Sumerian Gods, Shamanic Native Wisdom, Elemental wisdom, Fairy Wisdom, Whale & Dolphin Wisdom, Nordic, Animal Communication, Oracles, Seers, Pagan, Druid, Gaia, Elohim, Ascended Masters, Archangels, Guides, Ascended light beings the list is truly endless.
Over the years I witness a lot of division in spiritual communities just as much as we see in ordained scriptures, faiths & religious institutions. Wanting to know who is right, who's message is the original or the best. Who's messiah is truly aligned with GOD, what I've discovered to be true working with all the different ancient fractions of religions as well as higher realms of light from the north, south, east & west to see fractions occurring very similarly in spiritual groups that identify more with higher consciousness than traditional religion where the deciphering of the varied messages becomes almost conspiracy theory style. To decide who is telling the truth.
Humans like to be in control, contradict one another & like to follow what pop culture says is cool. We judge what is not understood, rather than educating ourselves. Being a multidimensional being means you are light, shade, ego, soul flesh & bones, emotional, mental, physical, spiritual & ancient beings now CHOOSING to have a human existence.
Some of you in soul formation have not had physical human existence for hundreds of years & others of you thousands, if not tens of thousands due to how old the soul is & the types of roles you have led as a soul on & off the planet in past lives.
I have channeled light beings, ascended masters, archangels, galactic federations of light, elements, animals & ancient cosmic, galactic & pure primordial star system wisdom to name a few for well over a decade now & the same consistent message always rings through that YES humans are multidimensional beings of light so the information we channel, intuitively feel either form our past lives accessed in the akasha, from channeled guidance or simply as this strong intuitive knowingness is an exchange that feels a certain way in the body, what feels right intuitively to one person will not to another. If you were to look at humanity having this ability to tune into the universe to find the radio frequency aligned with them at this moment, what they feel to be true is what they are willing, able & ready to receive.
I see a lot of people not wanting to be HUMAN, but that's why you are here to live a human experience & take the learned wisdom you acquire along the way with you. The soul wants to absorb as many learnings as possible because your soul is INFINITE.
So the next time you read something that strikes a chord with you, simply observe how your body responds to it. Don't confuse the ego's response with your intuitive response. The ego wants you to stay within the constraints & safety of how history has TOLD you to be. The human body is made up of energetic light fractals & light particles constantly feeding you information as much as the physical density of the human body is. So how it receives wisdom, knowledge & information is multidimensional.
The next time you find yourself questioning the status quo, pause & sit with the "Why" behind it rather than projecting judgment or lashing out at someone not believing the same as you. NO wars are ever one in arrogance, ego, or segregation. They only build hate & resentment.
I CHOOSE to live in a world where I share channeled wisdom to those who are ready to meet the wisdom with a heart full of grace & an understanding of its meaning for them will meet them where they are lovingly ready/ willingly meeting themselves consciously, subconsciously & unconsciously.
It's never personal as it's always vibrational.
Those individuals who have OWNED the path to be in divine service as a career earn a living from this space they have soul contracts in which to do so. The wisdom they share is NEVER about being right or wrong, it's about sharing the linage of higher realm consciousness they teach, facilitate & empower so others know how to access this too.
Every living sentient being on this planet is an extension of the Christos/Sophia primordial light (beginning of creation) YES we are all extensions of god & thus have a God-self/god spark. This means no matter what belief system you have there is ALWAYS space for someone else to have a different belief to you.
YES, you can both be right, YES in equal measure you can both be wrong. When you choose to educate yourself to know we all come from various linages, cosmic, galactic & ancient aspects of God's consciousness from near & far galaxies then hearing people share different wisdom doesn't mean it's wrong it means it's coming from their own soul linage, perspective & learned wisdom.
That's actually really beautiful, we live on earth in some of the dentist's populations with vast multicultural communities speaking different languages, dialects & carry different innate wisdom which should make you pause to think in the vastness of light beyond the mind's eye or veil that it's truly any different?
Life on earth is a SCHOOL IS IN SESSION for being human, we all are constantly learning & NO ONE HAS ALL THE ANSWERS
Life is about discovering the answers that feel right to you.
Come to recognize the opportunity to see being of faith is to be of non-judgment & STEP into acceptance we all have lots to learn.
I mean, that's what choosing to be human is - to live a life of your own choosing. I highly deeply encourage you to ensure it reflects love, & not fear, segregation, judgment & contradiction.