In the return of any antiquity wisdom of the ancients, the original & pure dragon consciousness that spans dimensions, realities & avatars, gateways, star-gates, portals & grid systems, universes as much as the much anticipated return of the rose linages widely being shared in the absolute purity of accessing said wisdom first resides within the self.
As it always has done, to gain purified access to soul wisdom is done in the reverence of deep willingness to curiously without bias learn from the soul, the heart & god seed than taking notes from the ego.
The ego will always find fault in whats missing, the soul is here for it all. Its holds reverence for all its ability to learn, grow & expand. Its why its here, yes to be of sacred divine will service- but also to learn in ways in which it has not yet had ability to master.
Accessing wisdom to inner-stand ones own linage, incarnate connectivity whilst reclaiming hidden, lost or fractured aspects of the soul to reunify form within to reunify to all that is outwardly.
The temple path is not one of leaning heavily into one extreme or the other when it comes to healing, its about finding restorative balance between the yin & yang, right & left hemispheres of the brain, the emotional & mental bodies, the subtle energetics as much as the expansiveness of the the entire shifting of the personal torid field learning to hold consistently higher quotas of light, grounding these aspects diligently & consistently regardless of the origins of said light, emerald, blue flame, rainbow rays, golden or otherwise.
Bi-purification is the continuation of honoring the inner temple path whilst exploring the outer temple path of free agency, god sovereign liberty without needing to bypass core deep antiquity healing. Each & every layer that rises with contemplation, observation & deep soul to human incarnate cleansing.
Any sacred sacral work through the lens of sacred feminine womb teachings or divine masculine warrior healings only goes as deep as the willingness to meet it in all forms, flows & exchanges emotionally, mentally, physically & spiritually, energetically through the multidimensional awareness of the self.
This is not simply about removing any discarnate energies, this is clearing past lovers imprints, current lovers unprocessed trauma that has been held in these energy centres from anyone regardless of sexual orientation any form of sexual intimacy.
If you have ever been intimate with someone who is not energetically clean, or aware then clearing these templates, threads of connectivity are paramount for your own free agency. This means, anyone who is not clearing or dealing with their own "stuff" regardless of the "stuff" it will imprint on you, it's up to you to remove it from the self.
If you work in any kind of service role with clients, clearing these energy centres on a regular self care practice is essential as the sacral is a prime energy centre where trauma is stored, your own but also clients if you do not purge, clear & cleanse this in reverence to self.
It requires purging collective in-prints & enmeshments from breeding programs, ancestral & generational wounding passed through the mothers womb during gestation before birthing to this earth. It also is where soul history trauma held in the facia resides that beckons you to go deeper, clear deeper, want more for yourself - by truly liberating yourself.
The lens of clearing the womb or lingam energy centre in unison to the Sacral / solar sacrum is one of deeply willingness to work through memories of old as much as present day impacts.
Clearing moon chain linages, impacts & enmeshments, overlays, inserts, with shell constructs is powerful, as much as dismantling & de patriotism built from falsified systems.
To gain unity to the sacred medicine of the yoni/ womb - lingam/scrotum is to keep willingly working through the layers as they rise in awareness to heal, transmute & recalibrate. It is of importance to remember healing cannot be rushed, fluidity & flow is where the divine temperance of purity resides.
The ego will tell you that you need to be somewhere other than here & now. The soul will guide you into deep waters for the deepest recalibration when you surrender your ego & allow the full presence of your guiding soul wisdom to hold you as you learn to hold yourself in ways untold.
I continue to witness myself with withdrawing from reading others teachings as they do not speak to me, they are too heavily emphasized in one energy centre. Maybe you notice this also?
As I am called to keep leading in the path in which I walk in unison with my soul, I am not interested in anything superficial or unbalanced.
To walk the embodied temple path of sacred solar feminine, one must also walk that in which is the solar scared masculine & vice versa. This is where I continue to lead from, for myself & my divine will service.
What we nuture, forever nutures us in divine temperance - if we choose to come back to our own still point of inner unity to share in divine will unity.
No matter how much you clear, cleanse & purge on behalf of the soul- its as only as good as the vessel in which you give it the highest emanations of divine expansion to fulfill its density.
Honoring the divine temple of creation, begins with honoring your own temple - your own alter, your entire multidimensionality by actually gifting space for your soul to rise from its own wisdom.
In all ways, always.