There are vast amounts of individuals giving advice these days...Far more in the modern world than ever before publicly due to al the various streaming services available.
Not all "advice" is equal; some have unhealthy agendas attached, & some are a transaction in measure, while others are a projection laced with toxicity & fear.
Now, having mentioned that every single niche, no matter its obscurity in popularity - is guaranteed to find someone affirming their way is the best-proven way to success, no matter in what alignment it falls under, professionally, personally, intimately & everything else in between.
It can be found in books, on tv, on the internet, & at social gatherings & let's be fair with such technology at our fingertips, you can stay in the comfort of your home to gain access to this information.
Good, bad, or indifferent.
In the last year, I have seen an actual uptake in new clients raise this widespread thread of how much information or misinformation is out there, from traditional old-school models, teachings & wisdom to modern guru-style advice that can become overwhelming.
Over the decades, most of these individuals who acclaim their teachings as the all & end all often have been enmeshed with division energy. This astrology is better than that astrology.
This healing method is better than that one, consciously or not, end up proclaiming to discredit others' teachings or opinions for varying causes, agendas, or ego elevation around superiority complexes.
I have said this in countless bodies of my own work over the last decade or more for those who have ever worked with me directly to know that I am a personal believer that nothing has wielded power over anyone, including you, unless you render yourself powerless to it. Meaning that an opinion is just an opinion until you assign it power & purpose of creating a belief around it that you GIVE it meaning.
In my personal/professional journey over the decades, it has been helpful in my own discernment of what resonates is something I felt called to share to help anyone else who may find it testing at times to lean into their own truth wherever you are upon your own journey right now.
Rather than choosing another's opinion of truth over yours.
The physical body has the ability to be a UNIVERSAL SACRED CELESTIAL CLEAR BAROMETER OF PHYSICAL TRUTH is forever in constant communication with you & beyond you.
From dehydration to sleep, nourishment, exercise, connection, intimacy, stimulation emotionally, mentally, spiritually, energetically & everything else in between - THE BODY KNOWS WHAT'S UP.
To be an adult in life is to curiously self-inquire about how to witness your own needs so you can discern your own truths.
I personally do not seek out opinions from someone who projects perfection. You see, perfection is self-saboteur energy.
I value life-lived wisdom from connections who have made mistakes yet have learned from them & learned how to live beyond them.
I love witnessing lived wisdom from someone who has fallen down into the depths of the self, found themselves in a hole . . . and then learned how to climb out of it.
Remembering that darkness comes from light, light comes from darkness.
The amount of time, energy & attention it takes to dismantle someone's credibility doesn't make the individual acclaiming they know best a better person. All it does is highlight where untouched wounds still lay in fractal light, needing more love.
The moral of the story is only you decide if anyone place, person, thing, or energy/frequency has power over you - consciously or not.
Not all information you access is detrimental or toxic, & not all words spoken, written, or published are gospel.
Only you decide if you FREELY hold someone's heart's truth with tender loving care.
It takes the same amount of energy, investment, & attention with an intention to raise someone up as it does to tear someone down.
Energy is everything,
The environment you place yourself in attributes to how you think & feel about yourself in all ways not just in one dimension.
The conversations you have, the company you keep & the information you absorb may always grow you to become a more healthful, loving & compassionate star being on the earth.
Conquer & divide frequency exchanges only perpetuate more enmeshment, & entanglement to outdated, enslaved, toxic actions & beliefs.
It forms more messiah complexes than anything else...which to be honest, are being rapidly dismantled at a rate than any time period I have witnessed over the decades, as pure intentions always rise to the top.
The only way anyone can truly self-discover how wisdom feels is by witnessing your body's response. Your intuition may lead you to new horizons, and your body will tell you if it's safe, held, witnessed & able to be its full expression.
Sometimes the body will communicate from past or present pain & suffering for you to create sustaining change; other times it will remind you how beautiful the world can be through the connections made, the wisdom shared & the communities built.
Simply family, how we choose to hold each other is how we first always choose to hold ourselves in the highest integrity, compassion, love & acceptance.
Loving you forward in all ways,