This image of a past version of myself was a big turning point for me in many ways; the one I have been guided to share recently came up in conversation in a mentorship circle I was facilitating.
Im standing on the shore of Wailea Beach in Maui in January 2018, the sun is setting directly in front of me & my thoughts are drawn toward a reflection of my life thus far. More specifically, how my continuous nudge to grow, change & lean deeper than previously & NOT shy away from my spiritual path.
I happened to be in a space emotionally where I questioned my path for all the right reasons. As such, I made a pack to myself that no matter what, I would fully marry this pathway even though I knew I had no reference point to gauge any sense of security, but I would find the answers I needed along the way - as I knew it was the only way forward. I could feel deeply how everything else would turn up dead roots & dead ends.
What has that got to do with anything, you might ask?
In the following weeks, I began to write in social media & my teaching community in a new tone. I ceased worrying how others would receive me; I spoke to the style or reliability. From my heart to the hearts of whom it was acquired at any moment.
Raw & unapologetic, I began to have what initially was a small handful to hundreds of people to thousands of people start to respond to my wisdom. What came next has always remained with me.
It's a vital lesson in life to hold space for, not just today but as a space within your inner temple of light of how powerful love is between lovers as much as complete strangers.
I began to have monks follow my teachings, & at one point, a whole monastery followed my work. Then Hindi, Muslims, Christians, Catholics, New Agers, Agnostics, & even nonbelievers.
Why is this so important? Well, you see, love is a universal language; it holds no limitations or confinements. It permeates the innermost parts of ourselves even when we do not try to be anything than our purest expression.
Love doesn't hold geographical borders; it has always been through all dialects, beliefs, values, perceptions & connections a language that unifies people.
Being yourself & speaking, & writing from your heart will NEVER go out of style, beloved.
Being you is the greatest gift our universe has the privilege of witnessing
Remember your value no matter where the path flows; the heart will always speak loudest when you allow it.
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