This is a gentle reminder for those learning to love themselves in newfound ways not yet previously met, seen, or witnessed.
The idea of being a king or queen sounds amazing, yet the inner work of living in this temperance takes a level of unwavering self-devotion that not everyone will understand or be willing to invest in for themselves.
Do you anyway.
The moment you recognize upon your path, no matter what stage of the path you are leaning into & up-leveling within - you CEASE walking into rooms regardless of the room, seeking the room to VALIDATE YOU.
When you walk into space, rooms, environments, or relationships not feeling worthy of being in that exchange - YOU WILL ALWAYS SEEK that energetic exchange to validate your sense of belonging, value & worth in the world.
This is why a shift in perspective by speaking love upon the heart in ways that you recognize in full remembrance that every door the universe ever opens for you, it's yours to walk through & take up your soul to full human luminosity space.
Every single time.
Whenever you are dealing with self-doubt, remember someone else is championing you from life's bleachers. Heck, even some are quietly intimidated by your full potential.
Do you anyway.
Taking up space is not about being boastful or demanding; it is recognizing that no matter where you go upon this earth, you are a cosmic citizen of life & everything you breathe into existence has weighted merit - ONLY, BUT YOU determine its value, its validation by recognizing yourself within what you gift life, energy & feed attention to.
At times you will find, as you move through life, individuals will want to speak fear upon your path, plans & visions. Mostly from their unforgiven indiscretions in which they have not yet met themselves in wholeness to release, let go & let god lead the way.
Allowing humility to be an energetic balance by which you can choose to live, knowing that all the while, the ego will rise & want to run the show; it's the self-discernment of continuing to feed love to the inner hidden aspects of where love is absent & fear runs freely that changes the undercurrent of what validation really is.
When you find yourself in these moments, regardless of how conscious you are, no matter where you are upon your own personal sovereignty path - in sacred service to yourself its imperative to not tailgate others' unresolved perception of the world by making it your own by overshadowing your soul's luminescence & governing direction in the life you lead.
To the untrained eye, both human & cosmic alike boundaries get such a poor wrap - yet in examples of not keeping better gatekeeping on the exchanges, & environments you find yourself in, you will find those that project wounding are those who have not seen the value nor implemented clean, clear boundaries for self - so they do not know how to honor others, let alone yours.
In sacred self-love, your role whenever met with someone who isn't a vibrational match to you is to not step down into where they are - give them the space to rise where you are. Let go & let god be the harmonic resonance in between. Those that are going to champion you will do so & honor the choices you make, even if they are not the same as their own. When someone, anyone for that matter, projects to make themselves feel bigger, greater, or more knowing - it's your sovereign right to walk away & always be true to yourself.
Kingship, Queenship is an invested energy; it is an ongoing path of self-mastery - not an end destination.
Your soul's message, light & power is needed in every single space, a doorway the universe freely opens for you. When you actually not just intellectualize this but embody this knowledge, the way you move in the world shifts & you will love the way you move as you create in the world, knowing it makes a difference - because that is how it was always intended to be - for you to recognize you are never anywhere you are not meant to be...
Everything has a purpose. Purpose holds an energetic fragrance that holds a undiminishable greatness.
In sacred alignment,