Love is not your emotions; it is the entire existence of your entire being.
Before it can ever arrive with another, a sacred union is a sacred bond nourished & sustained between your body, a breath of life with source.
You are your soulmate, the merging of the aether with the earth in you & with you reaching beyond you.
When we go on a curious quest of the mysteries of the universe to understand our innate divine permanent seed origins (divine blueprint), we find divine rapture in what is deemed the mundane by feeling the full spectrum of the limitlessness of what is always possible, infinite & abundant.
Because you are no longer armored by the glitz & glamour of falsities, but rather being a seeker to dance in more of love's potent Omni power of all that is.
Choosing to make it the lifeblood of all you create, build & sustain with life.
So as you embark on this personified trajectory of sacred union, be committed to following your quest in every direction as all paths lead to LOVE. Light the darkest aspects with the love you are from within.
Compassion will inherently be a guiding compass to keep you humble yet hungry to never settle. How you hold yourself is how you can unwaveringly hold others.
As you grow, the grail you discover with all its untold mysteries becomes visible once more & you will know just what to do with what you find as when you feed the sacred union within yourself, you unlock what is possible with another on the journey of life.
Full Moon Blessings