Darling - No more Crumbs, We dont do crumbs on any level anymore!
Allow this to reverberate into the inner depths of your entire essence, beingness with heart & soul.
For all the times you have settled for crumbs in relationships, intimate unions - you forget you have other options before you.
You allow crumbs beacuse crumbs feel familiar, so it's tempting to accept them again. You know how to respond to crumbs when honestly, you should be asking for the whole freaken bakery & nothing less.
When crumbs feel familiar, they come packaged from a different person in another way - that is, until you no longer accept crumbs applications. PERIOD.
So darling, you dont need to accept crumbs anymore,
It would be best if you dont romanticize about relationships' potentials; in fact, you dont need to bank on potential.
It's time to take a deep breath by remembering who the F*CK you are.
Remember what you deserve, owning that by completely up-leveling the bar & the applications of connection into your world.
You really must cease dimming your light for anyone, especially crumbs.
Significantly lowering yourself to meet others where they are at, rather than inviting them to rise to meet you where you are at. If they have a strong GAME, they will rise to the occasion every single time; if not, you'll know it's time to let go & let god.
You dont need to sell yourself short, never less.
Break the cycles; you see you need to BE more than OK that the grace & anointing upon your life might be right now just between you & god. It might be for a season; it's always for a higher calling reason.
Can you Be ok to walk the path less traveled, independently loving yourself fiercely? Until you, the individual worthy of your illuminative light is ready, willing & ultimately choosing of all your LOVE because they are this to themselves...
To welcome someone into your life should add peace, expansiveness, joy, laughter & growth in the power of healthy LOVE. When the right soul captivates you, it's a blessing. They bless your life. But, equally, you do with them.
Darling come to know your LOVE language; the egg never swims to the sperm. You dont need to chase. Align your life to command more for the unions you attract in every single exchange.
Anything less is not meant for you.
Cheers to opening yourself up to higher vibrational LOVE! 😍
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