Non Attachment Looks Different When....

Non Attachment Looks Different When....

To speak without attachment is to speak with the purity of God's Krystic light. To see is to willingly see beyond all veils of illusion, intrusion, deception & discordance. To witness thy self is to witness thy whole self in unparalleled times as much as paralleled times of presence. The vanity of egoic presence cannot move where you are moving; participation of old is crumbling as a speed in which we acknowledge bring's you discomfort, yet be assured that your Krystic guardians of light walk with you every step of the unfolding, ensuring you remember all that you are & nothing less a glorious soul.
Here we are; I bring forth a transmission that I deeply entrust will land with those in whom it echoes as a resounding acclamation of needing to clear from the lower densities.
For those of you who have the 9th house that has had expression challenges around linguistics, this transmission is for you.
Today I was shown a very specific secret sec that is rooted in the time period around the 5th century BC. This particular secular secret society has, by artificial decree, chromosomal defects in which a segment of the chromosome breaks off & reattaches in the reverse direction. This has splenic involvement. This inversion was created in conjunction with this artificial lineage to this secular time period by those who associated with the Orphic Mysteries. This was a secret society that was artificially infested by dark constructs, blood oaths & hidden agendas that falsely believed they were at the hand of god. That was, in fact, energy harvesting corpus religious sect worshiping AI & the Artificial tree of life.
It is important to energetically within your own akashic history, within all past, present, & future timelines, with all the reverberations, space & frequency exchanges in between to dismantle the nuclear structure from the moment of seed implant in your entire hara line, central channel & the morphogenetic field of light through the bi-wave attachment & regurgitation of the enmeshment of the holographic inserts from the Orphic Mysteries by way of clearing all grievous cyclic beliefs, egoic driven by ancient arcadian infiltrations of sufferance of misogyny, misappropriation of energy & false freedom matrices.
Clearing the permanent seed atom (original soul blueprint) at the moment of inception in association with all blind-sighted contracts, constructs, blood oaths, mechatronic implants, toxic & nefarious invitations of artificial past, present & future timelines. All conscious, subconscious & unconscious frequencies, elemental & energy exchanges by way of harvesting of consciousness throughout the universal time matrix by way of releasing, dissolving & dismantling all martyrdom, blood convents, seals, constructs, shadow banning with all false lore & all inorganic patriarchal governance.
Clearing & releasing all matrices connected to this knowledge, lifetimes, secret secs & corpus religious doctrine. Releasing all associations, carrying injustices & all inorganic tree of life, conscious, subconscious & unconscious involvement with all degrees of all reverberations, space, places, environments, energetics & elemental exchanges in between, past - present & future timelines.
Beloved, remember you are one with the divine purity of the one source of God's source unity light. It's time to reclaim your entire emancipation of distortions & disruptions of your purest Godself.
Reclaiming your aspects of self from all timelines is vital as you are aware of said knowledge, essence, light & love.
May the decree of being & returning continuously in sacred service to the one source god source light be your reclamation of pure divine intention & emancipation in the now.
One is humbled to be of sacred service,
On behalf of Aquaelle in the Andromeda Galaxy.
Deepest gratitude to AutumSkyArt for her magnificent soul artistry.
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