Many of you that have studied with me or ever had a in person conversation with me would know the value I hold around in order to own anything in life, we must be able to speak it into existence that is organic & personable to us individually. Thats how we cultivate an emotional container to move through energetically in alignment to our deepest desires. Until such time, the language of love is still being cultivated where dissonance will be present.
Embodiment is not some fancy new age word, it is a somatic undertaking to digest, language & own all aspects of what is, to who each of us are.
These past several weeks, I have been called to awaken several timelines which all correlate to the energetic grid-work, celestial super highway work I do often I leave unspoken about. I have wrestled in many ways over the years with of what significance it is to share what I do in full proximity for the most part. I like to keep my ego in check, that doesn't mean Im voided of ego - not at all.
Im a super soul in a human body after all.
What I am to share here is for you to recognize in what it activates within you for remembrance of your own souls multifaceted & multidimensional history.
So I begin with, the reopening of Anuhazi & Hibiru Timelines. The purpose of this is to clear out infiltrations & distortions, clearing & dismantling reversal sonic sound fields pertaining to deep clearing of lacework & lattice work of the Earth-Gaia-Tara consciousness as much as retrieval of founder consciousness rehabilitation as part of the next level of activation within the solar gate with primordial universal arc light architecture which happens to be the Mother Matrix In Andromeda. The relevance of this to you, is that ongoing rehabilitation repairs are occurring through various soul incarnate contracts to assist in the deepest levels of healing being brought to humanity & the earth at this time. Many of you will awaken to these contracts (individual & collective) if you have not as of yet in the coming months & years ahead when you are ready to step into these roles.
Last year I was guided to start anchoring my energy to the cosmic & galactic equator as much as the earths. I truly believe everything has an alignment as the view of the whole picture comes online, lately I have been receiving transmission form the galactic gate, other wise known as the golden gate.
Remember your soul contracts are significant, no matter what they are or what they entail. Your soul chose them because you could navigate them, as you have done many incarnations before. The relevance of this is knowing that at times you will nurture them in silence. That doesn't make them less than, it means what you are guided to nurture is not for public acclaim, most soul work that has the most significant impact is done when no one is watching. It's done under the guidance of your highest emanations of your soul, God self/ God Spark & guiding team of cosmic & galactic guardianship in unison with Holy Mother Father God.
So the importance of this message is, when you are guided with wisdom the ego will want to to compare notes that what you are getting intuitively is resonant with what other light workers, conscious leaders, star-seeds, ascension guides are also getting. Thats when witnessing yourself & your deepening of intuition is needed most. Its not wrong to want clarity or validation in what you know, yet its most powerful in that when you strengthen this muscle within yourself you TRUST where you are being guided - even if the path is still unfolding.
If you take anything away from todays message, is the POWER of inner divine trust extends in ways that possibly you do not give it the light or day it so rightly deserves. Your soul contracts are entrusted to you for a valid reason, you are invited to honor the magnitude in which you carry.
Everything has purpose, you are no different my star friend.
Reawaken in remembering its SAFE to proceed in fulfilling your souls destiny.
Eternal Love,