May this purposeful sharing be as far-reaching as intended to be received without attachment - god sovereign & free.
Clear - concise & direct.
I begin with embodiment.
It is by far the most used context in 2023 around spiritual evolution marketing, but to embody anything, it comes in waves & is deeply layered.
To language anything in life, in our humanness, we must be able to own the language we speak, inner-stand through the HEART of all creation with the energetics in all vibrational hues, not just what we think it is (that's ego, that's spiritual bullshit hierarchy driven by egoic templates) - to hold god sovereign free ownership with any aspect of consciousness awareness is to have a deep emotional awareness & reciprocity without attachment to it.
To own anything, regardless of its energetics, is to FEEL it; to feel it is allowing it to move through multidimensionality, elevating, expanding, and having s many ego deaths while moving through the layers of complexity by returning to the stillness of neutrality.
In unison, one's own zero point field is the one source god source god seed.
Embodiment is layered in that once you self-master a layer of your multidimensional self, you open up to the next layer for self-exploration, digestion, and integration for potential embodiment.
A new idea today doesn't mean or translate; you are embodied in it tomorrow.
Embodiment is not egoic intellectualism programming; it is a somatic, facia-miasma shift in your light body as much as your humanness. It's anchoring in more of your pure primordial angelic double diamond sun DNA; it moves you into alignment in your HIGHEST timeline within the crystalline consciousness of your humanness as a star human.
This brings me to the tyrannic energy of toxic masculinity & femininity.
This past few years, I have witnessed, observed & intentionally directly chosen to work on dismantling the frameworks of False Masculine / False Feminine templates across multiple timelines that are intentionally cancerous energy infiltrations, matrices & deliberately distorting how humanity connects & co-creates with each other from within the egoic structures & archetypes & false identities projected at humanity to be a certain way to live a certain way.
The phantom infiltrations, the intentional bludgeoning of consciousness expansion with these noxious spiritual hierarchical weeds of egos, bullshit gaslighting behavior & frankly, individuals as much as collective unhealed trauma being passed off as superior in who they think they are or the role they play in humanities evolution.
Refrain from being fooled into thinking that some of the individuals you follow adore & pay great homage to come from clean integrity with radical honesty & actually are accessing what they say they can access in their work. They are often quick to discredit others to over-inflate who they are or what they think they are.
No matter how you look at it, they are wounded masculine & feminine levels of splintered consciousness that are going to feel the force of their actions, not with you or me, but with the lack of integrity they displace & try to manipulate - directly with the source, mother father arc.
Earlier this year, I had to remove one of these noxious spiritual hierarchy weeds that were in the outer parts of the global spiritual community that many of you are connected with because they believed only what they taught was right & in their self-righteousness became so engrossed in fame, competitiveness, jealousy & ego through their own insecurities were actually bleeding trauma & chaos into the field but also under false guise creating DIRECT DIVISION WITHIN THE GLOBAL CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY.
Recently, I repeated this removal of this engrossed misaligned energy.
I personally have zero tolerance for spiritual hierarchy egoic bullshit; in fact, I have zero tolerance for cancerous attempts at trying to infiltrate not only my energetics but that of using misappropriation under false guise spiritual teachings belittling others to make oneself look better, more advanced, or superior in the global collective as some form of Dragon Guru or Ascension guide, or way-shower.
Energy attacks are inferior toxic demonic behavior, start - middle & end.
No one has any authority to enter into someone's energetics without consent, regardless of who they think you are or what line of work you are divinely guided to serve in or sacredly with.
To truly understand the god sovereign freedom of a soul, when you take advantage of that, you are NOT in alignment with the two-faced wording you portray & you are not honoring this divine alchemy of creation.
What needs to be clearly known is that you discredit humanity, even my energy, for falsely thinking that goes unnoticed.
At no point do you have the authority to try your futile ways of trying to infiltrate persons or collective work or try to place blockages in their fields of light.
Its doesn't, it hasn't before & it wont moving forward.
The fact your futile attempts to infiltrate speaks volumes. Stop trying to manipulate, coerce & bludgeon humanity, & your communities with bullshit noxious spiritual egoic behavior.
Integrity I have come to know through my own path this past two decades is when an individual feels superior to others, jealous, competitive is shown how to live FULLY in humility, to allow as many ego deaths as needed & yet they continue to abdicate this very exchange.
So a straightforward message, as intended - anyone individual that claims to be here to be of service to humanity, drop the bullshit glossy veneer. BE ACCOUNTABLE, TAKE SELF ACCOUNTABILITY.
I am here for the love of my sacred service to Holy Mother / Father Arc - My direct love of GOD. Anyone who directly or indirectly attempts to infiltrate, attack, manipulate, or try to insert blockages because you feel threatened by where you are, not where you should be,
Love, that's on you.
Nothing can ever change my devotional love or the global community that holds integrity, devotional sovereignty, and humility to Holy Mother Father Arc.
I am here for the return of GOLDEN AEONIS, I am intentionally fully here for this - I will remove your bullshit every time you attempt to gain access where you do not belong.
Take this as notice given; you don't have authority - other than over yourself.
Humility will always be your greatest teacher when you get over yourself.
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