Beloved Soul Family,
As we personally & collectively move through our conscious evolution, we are going to have front-row seats to energies & agendas that have distortion held within them & around them.
What is one person's truth is not going to be another's, yet that is not up for persecution or projection of judgment. You see, opinions are formed as how you see the world in this eternal now moment, by how you have resolved emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually & energetically through your multidimensional core wounding/trauma with emancipation. It's not right nor wrong it's just where you are meeting yourself across the multidimensionality conscious awareness of your entirety.
Compassion is key to holding this level of awareness for yourself; in a world marked by competition, stay in your own lane. Stay in your own light.
An opinion only holds weight if you assign it as a powerful force in your energetics.
Simply nothing is happening to you, it's happening for you to refine your clear-sightedness, your own intuitive barometer- but your observation & choice of interaction with what is unfolding is 100% your choice.
There is such a thing as overconsumption of others' stories (Personally, planetary & collectively) that your humanness will want to find safety in numbers to feel like you belong. Trauma attachment or bonding through change rises when you are not rooted, & grounded in your own energy. When you are not clean in your energetics.
You may find you act out or lash out at people as if you are being attacked. As a result, you do not feel safe, held, or have basic human needs met. This acting out, and lashing out is due to having attachments within your auric & etheric field that are impacting how you show up for yourself & how you indirectly & directly interact with others.
This is why emotional & energetic regulation is so paramount within your own growth & changing of conscious awareness.
It is all well good to read & subscribe to others' teachings or lived wisdom, as long as it's not at the cost of your own, or you are blindly following someone else's truth because you are not clear on who you are to yourself, for yourself. This often arises when people do not have boundaries, & are not clear in their beliefs & values about how they invest, incubate & birth new into their life.
We are going to see A-LOT more individuals, particularly in the spiritual space, projecting a lot of self-righteousness, holier than holier, more so coming from a prideful space as if they are only pure & true. Here is the thing with all good intentions, while they perceive they are leading followers to higher ground, they are in fact, holding contempt with hypocrisy.
Which of both only marks & stains with limitation of a savior complex. While dismantling your own personal victim & victimizer templating is much needed for you to have & hold clarity in how you choose to observe the world, it also assists you in removing yourself from toxicity or the consumption of schematics that actually may not be in alignment for your own Soul truth.
We will see spiritual facilitators, conscious leaders & community leaders projecting this need to choose a side, only fueling & feeding into the dichotomy of perpetuating duality & polarity in scarcity. We will see wounded feminine & wounded masculine teachings rise.
Why is this so prevalent at this time a lot has been unfolding with collective disclosure, channeled guidance, & emancipation for the planet & for humanity with a repatriation of multidimensional consciousness. But also has been the rise in entities, spiritual warfare & energetic attacks.
This is why it's so paramount to be clear in clearing & cleaning your own energetics, space & multidimensionality. If you do not feel comfortable with your own knowledge on how to maintain spiritual, emotional & energetic hygiene just as you would brush your teeth or take a shower, then seeking support from a professional who specializes in this is of utmost value.
Each human on the planet has lessons to learn in life; they also hold soul mapping, consciousness they chose to bring to the earth as an expression of the individual expression of God they are as part of the unification return back to the oneness of God.
When you can be in observer mode of what you are interacting with, you can make a clear-sighted awareness that when you witness either yourself or others preaching with repetition what they are moving through personally as if they are a victim to it - the nuance in this is that they are looping in their own dichotomy of duality & polarity - NOT resolving emancipation of dredging, dichotomy.
Toxic Infiltrations of energies have, as far as history has held space, attempted to disrupt & create chaos. These kinds of infiltrations, like psychic attacks, entities, enmeshments & entanglements, only have power if they are left to run wild. YET, if they are cleared, transmuted & transfigured back to the still point of the zero point field, then they hold NO power. It is important spiritual hygiene, now more than ever, is essential to ensure you are not operating with others' schematic energetic overlays, imprints or projections, elemental, parasitic energies.
To have impervious energy is to be energetically protected, not allowing nor engaging in others' unrest.
Purity is having as many ego deaths as needed. Purity is not about posting on your social media walls about what should be done - purity of all will, as much as divine will, is what you do when others are not watching. How you hold yourself & move through your own unmet wounding & trauma. Thats integrity.
Purity is an internal walk with eliminating all of the parasitic energy, imprints & volatile projectiles from people, places, situations, conversations & even, yes, intuitive guidance from lower dimensional beings.
Channeled guidance is not dominant & aggressive; it's not fearful, nor is it repugnant. Any time your intuition speaks to you in a negative form or a controlling form, it's not coming from a healthful place or resonance. Most people do not know they have lower-formed malevolent energies in their energetic fields until it begins to upend their lives.
This can look like yet not limited to not having clarity or direction, letting your mental body overlap & override the physical body, intuition, forcing control of everything, falsely creating a sense of control but not having control at all.
As such, the more you elevate in your own observation of connected, universal consciousness through multidimensional healing, it's vital to know where your energy ends & the next person starts. But also knowing that WE ALL HAVE THE ABILITY to access universal source consciousness through our intuition. If you believe your intuition to be only right & pure, then you are operating from spiritual ego, not purity of divinity.
Your ego wants to prove a point in what it knows, channels, see's, hears & receives, yet your soul is here for it all - to learn & grow. The soul - past, present & future timelines is always extracting & elevating through its eternality. The human expression on the other hand is always seeking validation, as if it has something to prove, to belong & protect.
My invitation to you is when you witness spiritual, conscious or community leaders moving forward, with significant community leadership; if you see someone in the space of projecting, send them love. Detach from their energy completely & send them love - no longer holding space for them. If you see division being made in the consciousness community - know you dont have to choose sides. CHOOSE YOURSELF; when you choose yourself in humility, you are in alignment with your soul's will.
As someone who works on the energetics of the earth's planetary gates, grids & consciousness, I do not have all the answers-no one does. But when I am met with hostility, I dont see purity - I see wounding seeking love.
This shows up in humans, even as spiritual community leaders.
In the coming months & years - rather than seeking perfection as a barometer of how you are on the right path, remember perfection is a false sense of control - instead, invite in & seek-out justice for all, unity for all kind because preaching from any pedestal leaves little to NO HUMILITY.
Love is the birthplace of kindness; kindness is the home of humility. Neither of which holds a seat at the table of life for hostility.
When chaos wants to pull you from your heart, dont let it.
Its is the purest form of expression, even when you dont speak.
Send love to those that are lost, send love to those who are waging an inner war, let go & let God do his deliverance. Focus on how you show up in the world because, as the saying goes, those that mind - dont matter & those that matter dont mind.
Let your love speak for you in rooms where your presence is felt even if you are not. Let your love be the unbridled force of nature you weave in this world; choose love even in the face of fear.