Back at the beginning of August, I was shown the release of IRON CUFFS with an IRON GATE connected to the IRON CORE. As the transmission came through me, I was shown the direct correlation It had to an earlier transmission I had shared here about the Earth's tectonic plates with volcanic & tidal wave activity. (you'll need to go back on the timeline wall for reference)
Why that's important, you ask? Light transmissions, no matter the dimension they stream in from - consciousness is fluid. The human's interpretation of the timing of said fluidity is often unconscious, subconscious controller to create a sense of familiarity, security & stability in conscious reality.
When transmissions come into our field, they operate two-fold, first for our own energetics on various levels, yet also for how we hold others through to discourse of purging, dismantling & recalibrating through regenesis back to the original angelic divine blueprint/ DNA.
I have intentionally sat with this transmission since the beginning of August, as it was so layered for me as a facilitator. When I share, I ask my divine team how this serves my community within its own wheelhouse of self-healing to empower my community publicly & privately to be curious about how current energies are impacted by ancient soul fallout.
What I mean by this is this direct corridor of consciousness to the IRON CUFFS, IRON CORE & IRON GATE are all associated with the Christos / Sophia Iron Age cycle that had an ascension cycle close out for many lightworkers, star seeds, ascension guides, grail keepers, oracles & galactic shamans back in 2012.
The parallel timeline to 2012 was the ascension cycle where many new light beings awoken into mission beyond their direct personal healing.
As a result, it awoke the language of light form within in soul luminescence, which remembers what soul incarnations or correlations they may have had in the days of Jesus/ Yeshua / Magdalene, Essenes timeline - the Jesus Christ mission.
All is relevant, always even in the subtleness. Collectively over the last few months, many of the community have been navigating ancient holocaust timelines & the roles the respect soul has played, held, or has needed to retrieve soul fragmentation from the fallout of hybridization, cataclysm & power struggles to reclaim soul aspects of sovereignty.
The importance of the core principles of removing the IRON CUFFS to the IRON GATE, IRON CORE is directly connected to the rose linages & the impurities that infiltrated the rose linages at that time under & within mystery school teachings. Rome was heavily depicted in this state of influence, as was the denial of the mother principle in her purified form as per the protection of the Mother electrical current of the Divine Arc feminine principle of the staff & rod/scepter consciousness with changing the course of artificial dominance that would enslave humanity in a slumbered state under a false sense of belonging through human suffering.
I have been shown context to this around the baltic sea, as a point of tied influence connected to the feminine principle that those who are doing planetary grid work to bodies of water either have been called to work on this channel of water or will do in the near future to assist in the further retrieval of sophianic consciousness back to a divine order in harmony once more through the purification divine forgiveness.
This brings me to, of late, we are seeing another timeline riff within the conscious community around archetypes, constructs & belief systems. Particularly around who is more purified in the codes, codex, or access to higher knowledge as if it were a race.
Dominance to be right.
The reality is that spiritual warfare has been around since the beginning of this planet's inception. The direct timeline I am guided to invite you to be introspective within your own consciousness is to look at the Annunaki - Melchizedek fallout from unresolved fractions from 75,000 years ago.
Through varied failed breeding programs during the Nehphallim wars also around the timelines of the Atlantian cataclysm, with the failed repair timelines, planetary grid repairs & seeding of consciousness, the divide between souls with deep Annunarki history vs. Melcheideck are now seeing how this is playing out in who is right & who is wrong in current timelines.
I have shared before that the body holds the score, history holds the template. Not all templates are clear & many require a microscopic understanding of the roles or unresolved soul trauma held from said timelines. This healing space takes as long as it needs on an individual level by divine inspiration & divine inhalation of conscious allowance.
It is integral to always know firsthand that infiltrations have occurred throughout the ages & undercurrents are not linear. It has so many interdimensional, dimensional & multidimensional factions that it rises when a timeline is ready for repair.
So here is the invitation, you can allow within your own bio-metrics & field of light to feel you need to choose a side. Or you can focus on healing the energetic riffs of these timelines as you will have soul remembrance in understanding just as now, back then, how you fueled the flames of potentially a side of consciousness you didn't fully understand nor have the awareness to the programs, packs, oaths, agendas, constructs & agreements you were operating under.
The importance of this is twofold, timelines rise for repair not just for personal emancipation but to clear such density of horrific division that segregated, ostracized & prejudice against the Holy Mother / Father principle of which you are an emanation. This is why we heal the shadow, to armor down.
If we continue to armor up as a society, we obscure the lens of the expanded view because we are caught in the crossfire in perpetuating a cause that has been around for tens of thousands of years. Being in battle mode, righteousness is actually fatiguing - I am witnessing it left - right & center right now simply by observing how our interwoven global communities communicate through all forms of context.
You may have a strong connection to the moon or the sun. Understanding through inner self-inquiry is where its at, not by the metric of another lens. But your own. Maybe you are being called to heal your dark feminine or dark masculine; maybe you are being called to address where you are too much in warrior templating, with a guardedness that you need to shield down.
Maybe you are being guided to own your self-accountability in human expression, financial stability, self-safety; reparenting; maybe you are being guided to open your channel to rewrite your own soul's history.
Not to be confused with not having healthful boundaries, emotionally, mentally, sexually, energetically - physically. But also know that as long as you hold contempt & prejudice within hostility within the community of light, you are holding yourself deeply on an unconscious level within your own temple of light the same contempt. You are bypassing the opportunity to restore forgiveness. Armoring down is knowing you are deeply watered & held in unity to the source - but the passageway of remembrance is not a single directional path of exploration. It holds & weaves a tapestry of light-coded consciousness that reveals layers as you are ready to ingest, digest & clear cleanse to no longer permit the perpetuation of this conciseness existence within a distorted lens.
Difference of opinion is a natural human interaction through the egoic template; we all have our own ability to armor down as we only need to look at current-day prejudice in how impactful it is across nations, tribes, cultures. You are not here to perpetuate a dichotomy.
For many of you that are feeling the riff or witnessing the riff, the repair work is deeply encoded within the mental body from the holocaust timelines, which holds imprints, artificial insignia, war crusades, & false parenthood schematics through beliefs systems & controller metrics.
When we have intolerance, we have little room for understanding, yet when we create bridges of awareness in understanding, we cultivate forgiveness across all levels of the being.
The interdimensional free world council has been communicating with me around offering support to those ready to repair their own next-level inner soul luminesce in a restorative way that is cleared from turmoil, sufferance, & discord. As always, in the unfolding of every cycle, every being moves through the emotional willingness to meet the energy but to also change the mental identity as often as needed to be of sacred service to self as much as the collective soul service they are called into action with.
This brings me to my last aspect for consideration, contemplation with curiosity for yourself; when affirming you are purging, letting go & no longer holding on to contempt in your awareness, even as subtle as it may be, it's important to remember to cease assigning roles to people in your life that continue to show you that they are either unwilling to understand you or willing to understand themselves to have a reciprocal connection with you. Every time you assign an archetype of consciousness to a connection in who someone is to you, even if done subconsciously, you are setting yourself & them up for sabotage & letdown.
It is NOT your role to sell yourself or explain yourself to people who can have learned access to the same wisdom you can but choose not to. If you are someone moving through relationships right now, wanting someone to understand you & they are, simply put, not. It has nothing to do with you; they do not understand this as a reflection within themselves. No amount of shapeshifting within yourself will change that, so elevate yourself from trying.
Instead, give the space for the energy to speak for itself. You can still hold love in acceptance for these relationships without assigning someone a role to you that they are currently incapable of fulfilling. The point in this energetics is that loving someone & being attached to them are two different things. A musing for another day.
Love is a universal light language; you are a cosmic citizen. Your connections dont define you; your ability to invoke acceptance, compassion & forgiveness is the corridor of light I am witnessing for humanity at this time that does come with many levels of uncertainty for the predictability the human self craves.
Yet beloved, you have walked uncertainty all your human levels of being since birth, now is no different. Not all living needs to be under trial by fire; it actually has the fluidity of allowing your soul guidance to guide you as it has always done in every incarnation.
Through conscious awareness & allowance.
Now should be no different; it's never about how many intuitive questions you ask - it's quality in the lens of curiosity of the questions you ask your highest self, guides & support light family that assist you far greater than feeling you need to choose a side.
May the light of your love's compass continue to unravel, in full permission to be seen in ways you have held limitations with before.
You radiate more when you let love be the currency of your expression.
I love you,