It is of utmost core consistency to self to ensure missing alignment doesn't disrupt alignment. Humans all experience misalignment to varying degrees until they learn the core value of what being in self-alignment is.
Sufferance in life lies with holding onto misalignment, this comes in all shapes & forms.
Self-abandon for acceptance to belonging, feel seen, waiting on others to tell you that what you believe is right, the choices you are making accommodate them well, that you are a good soul - a warm heart all at the expense of self.
Abandonment is not the core wound of the external happening to you, it is the full proximity & illumination of the soul self-guiding your humanness to not self-abdicate, abandon who you are or what you are called into action with, be, or learn to embody in order to "fit in" to be liked or loved.
Especially, If you dont like or love yourself.
When the ego is loud, the inner critic wants to be in control misalignment is what flows in. It creates distortions, & disruptions that ripple throughout the field - but it doesn't have to be this way. Through higher observation self-awareness & discernment, you can come to recognize how the power of choosing yourself is the gift of ultimate creation. It is the alchemy, key & master lock all in one.
If you are in a season or find yourself trying to understand your missed alignments right now, come back to your core truth. Ask yourself what is keeping you held really to conversations, people, places, situations & environments, patterns, in-organic beliefs, habits & lack of boundaries that show you misalignment repeatedly & yet you self-abandon to accept less than your soul by design has placed upon your heart in this life.
For all the magic in the world, the magic of the soul is the most profound by the space you grace it to keep coming back into deeper, more purified alignment.
Be the magnetic force from within to weather any storm, for the light of your life is the beacon that holds you & your love in ways this world awaits.