Are you aware, a lot of people actually don't know what its like to experience healthy LOVE. So when they finally meet it, have a invitation to dive deep within in it - they actually self sabotage it. They will have a really hard time trusting their partner, even if they have no reason to. They will find random things to self destruct the union, simply to recreate what they have felt before which is chaotic, toxic & trauma response based.
Maybe this message is for you or its connected to someone you love. Either way, when someone responds this way its because how they have felt in unions is all they know - so they keep recreating the same exchanges even if they dream of a different outcome.
So if this is you or someone you love, what is needed in the healing exchange is to be a force of LOVE by being present without attachment, judgement or expectation. Real LOVE that can be experienced in coming to learn by feeling what a HEALTHY LOVE is. When you are able to exchange in this energy the connection through feeling & knowing is accepting what was in the past as un-healthy nor sustainable.
Triggers or activations are about bringing awareness on what still needs to be worked on & worked through even in the presence of LOVE.
You can still be healing & be in a union, just as long as both parties are openly aware of what past triggers or trauma has occurred & that both individuals are committed to keep working on their own self healing path with compassion & forgiveness.
Love is never complicated, only past trauma's complicate the way love is given & received.
Be gentle with yourself & those you are sharing LOVE with as LOVE never asks of anything from anyone in its truest purest form other than to show up & be accounted for.
I see the LOVE you are & completely worthy of - its time to meet yourself in that space & own it!