What if I told you that you are not stuck, the universe or your guides is not testing you in some rites of passage.
What if I said you are being shown through the illumination how firmly attached you are to your survival mode patterning.
You see, survival mode keeps you in this perpetual state of regurgitation of fear, lack & scarcity with this propensity of desperation to want to figure everything out & do it like, ummm,
Which have you too focused on your mortality, the fear of missing out, or what you are not gaining quick enough.
So you begin to spiral in the hurt, the disconnection, disappointment & yes, that wild friend named stress of the unmet expectations, standards & deadlines that seem absolutely impossible to meet.
That Hyper-fixation on the loss of people, situations, connections, objects, jobs, careers..even money. That beautiful dream you have been nurturing that seems like it will never ever fully be self-actualized, realized in full glory.
I invite you to take a gentle, deep breath of expansion with me.
Release, fully
Say this with me, it all works out for me
It all works out for me
It all does work out for me
"Whatever" it is, it does work out FOR ME.
Never against you, but all for you.
So invite yourself to sit in the ease & the stillness of this statement, "It all works out for me" leaning to allow space for new to be birthed is creating space for you to detach from what you have outlived for far too long.
Force cannot be created from the flow.
Whatever has to be figured out will work itself out by your surrender from needing to create from survival mode, without you needing to know all the "hows" or the "whys" it just will.
If grief comes to meet you in this space, honor that. Grief is a natural evolutionary exchange.
We all create stories around the lives we build & when those lives require transfiguration to occur (a new integration of our ego/personality with the inner light presence of our soul burns away the shadow forms in the lower chakra centers that have kept us in survival mode). Whilst this in itself is a lot to process emotionally, mentally, physically & spiritually, its passage of luminosity has begun, & old ways of being are no longer an option.
I am certain you are underestimating yourself.
I am certain you are underestimating how capable you are of doing whatever it is you need to do.
Old societal norms do not carve, cultivate or sustain new architecture.
Old social norms have led you to doubt your abilities, to remain small, hidden from view, & to be self-conscious of yourself, your work, & your magic.
As someone who has worked with hundreds of thousands of unique souls worldwide, I want you to know you can kick to the curb beacuse whatever you feel called, driven or create in the world, motivated, inspired by, or with
Do it.
Please, our co-creational world welcomes your perspective, expression & your love.
I love you
Stunning Artwork & Artist - Autumn Skye Art